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Post by AlreadyMrsVogt Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:38 pm

Because I'm a big ol' hoar and I don't want to get lost at the end of everyone else's thoughts in the one from this morning Smile

So, I got some rockin' news yesterday (sarcasm font) - they're cutting my hours at work almost in half. Effective Jan. 1. Which basically means I HAVE to find a new job, because I already spend $300/month on fuel just to get to and from work, and they're cutting my pay by that much. I'd be left with almost no extra money (and barely enough to cover my portion of our bills).

So, then take a further leap that because we can't afford to pay off bills faster than we are, I can't quit working to be a SAHM mom. And for me personally, that's the only way I can imagine having kids. I don't want to stick them in daycare or have my MIL breathe cigarette smoke all over them all day (I love her, but come on. Step outside and slowly rot your lungs.)

Needless to say, I'm fairly depressed.

How's everyone else's day going? Please tell me it's better than mine.

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Post by Admin Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:42 pm

Sorry about the rotten day, Vogt. Sadly mine's not going much better at this point. cheers (we're saying that means hugs).


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Post by BecW Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:43 pm

Ugh. That sucks, Vogt. What do you do? Can you find something local that pays $300 less per month?

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Post by AlreadyMrsVogt Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:43 pm

LOL, that's a rockin' hug. And totally improves my mood Smile

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Post by julezlee Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:43 pm

Jeez Louise that sucks. I'm so sorry! I hope this will turn out to be a blessing in disguise because it will finally get you out of a work situation you hate.

Mine's shit as I overly described earlier.

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Post by cew515 Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:44 pm

Sorry Vogt. That really does suck. Mine is kind of shitty too. But at least this is giving you the push you needed to get out of that job that you hate.

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Post by AlreadyMrsVogt Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:45 pm

No local jobs, unfortunately. I've been looking for about 6 months and I've gotten all of 1 interview. I'm underqualified for my field, because I've only worked in non-profit and most people think that's not a real job. I'm overqualified for things like reception or administrative assistant and people don't want to pay me what I'm making now (even though I don't expect that).

I'm looking for part-time jobs for the other 2 days. H is trying to talk me into getting my wedding invitation business off the ground before the first of the year and supplementing that way. I think he has an unrealistic sense of how much money that will make (meaning, none).

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Starting a New Thread Empty Re: Starting a New Thread

Post by AlreadyMrsVogt Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:46 pm

Thanks guys. Someone's got to be having a good day, right??

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Post by kdcwedding Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:51 pm

It sounds like we all need new jobs.

My day is going somewhat better than expected.

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Post by missy68 Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:53 pm

Oh shit, Vogt, I'm so sorry, hon. That really is awful. Is there something you can do from home, at least for a while, like medical transcription? I know that won't be a good long-term solution, but maybe it will help and won't involve gas money, etc.

Hugs your way.(((((())))))

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Post by missy68 Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:54 pm

You could be the midwestern branch of julie's business! Smile

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Post by BecW Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:55 pm

I got my marriage certficate at lunch! Yay! Then I realized I never had my name changed back to my maiden name with the SS office in July of 2008. oooops. So I bet I either get my ass chewed when I visit them, or a citation, since that's clearly illegal. Greeeeeat. In my defense, when I first got engaged we were going to get married within 60 days of taking back my maiden name. We changed the date and it never occurred to me I didn't change my name with SS.

Long story short, I suck. And I may have to pay for it this time. I'm hoping I can just take my Resumption of Former Name form and my marriage certificate and be OK. My former name was my maiden name with the EX's last name just added on so that I had four names, so hopefully they'll just issue my new married name card and not hit me with a citation? I can only hope.

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Post by Admin Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:57 pm

Good luck, Bec.


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Post by cew515 Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:01 pm

That really does suck. Do they have any expectation that you will gain your hours back?

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Post by julezlee Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:02 pm

Bec, trying to figure all that out made my head hurt.

Vogt - do we have the same resume? Mine also has a useless law degree though that doesn't ever help me.

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Post by AlreadyMrsVogt Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:03 pm

Hrm, good luck Bec! Can you make an appointment with them? They tend to be more forgiving when you schedule things with them (at least from what I've heard).

Missy - we talked about medical transcription awhile back (to supplement while I was staying home with the imaginary kids), but the classes are hella expensive. I actually did think about going to school for event planning and getting that certificate, and then becoming a wedding planner, but again: no money Smile

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Post by BecW Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:04 pm

I know. I'm hoping it will do the same thing to the SS office and they'll just issue me the damn card!

You and Vogt need dumbed down resumes for jobs that you are overqualified in. Drop the law degree and never mention what you currently make. Smile

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Post by AlreadyMrsVogt Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:05 pm

Cew - nope, they'll likely keep cutting the hours until the position goes away. Before me, it was a 20 hour a week position, before that there was no one in the position, before that the "full-time" person was 30 hours per week. I don't blame them for cutting me a little, I'm the highest paid person in this position we've ever had, and I work a full 40 hours. But come on, cutting me from 40 to 24 is ridiculous. Not to mention that our management is all still getting big bonuses and makes too much money as it is. Oh yeah, we're also putting up a $10k sign in the front of our building right now. That's like a third of my salary. Super.

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Post by AlreadyMrsVogt Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:06 pm

Julez, it sounds like we do. I don't have a law degree, but I have a BS in Business Management/Human Resources and essentially a BA in Political Science (I'm missing exactly one class to graduate with that too, but I got bored.)

I was willing to drop down to $5/hour less than I'm making now at the job I interviewed for last week, and apparently that wasn't enough. They were starting at $8.69/hour. I live in the middle of nowhere and can't afford to live on that. It's ridiculous.

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Post by missy68 Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:11 pm

Bec, they'll make you take a number and wait while they call every.one.around.you.

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Post by cew515 Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:12 pm

Are there any banks aroud where you live? Could you do part time teller work? They pay fairly well.

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Post by cew515 Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:12 pm

I fucking hate the SS office. Going there is like going to hell. And then taking a number to see the devil.

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Post by AlreadyMrsVogt Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:14 pm

There's one bank within a 50 or so mile radius Smile They have one teller, and one branch manager. I went in to talk to them (we have one account through them for the time being) and mentioned that I was looking for work and asked if they'd keep their eyes open for something. But, they'd both been there 20+ years. I have a feeling that people hang on to their jobs in this community because no one wants to commute to work. I don't blame them, but still. I wanna work near home too! (whine whine whine)

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Post by Admin Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:14 pm

Thankfully our SS office was pretty quick. They had 2 sets of numbers. One was for routine stuff like name change and replacement cards. The other was more in-depth stuff. I was in and out in 20 minutes. The lady with the 4 screaming kids was there for hours.


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Post by missy68 Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:15 pm

I've been 3 times in the past 3 weeks. Twice when I took half a day (I went there first; they told me to go to DMV and change my license first for the "legal" name change - WTF?) THEN I went back.

Got my card, they used my birth middle name, not my maiden name as my middle. So, Monday I got to go back. Joy.

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